Doujinshi | Manga | Gender Bender Hentai | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#399641 - All at once Vic was interrupted by the sudden flash of a light being turned on and the sound of a man's voice! Who's there, the man yelled?!? Frozen for a second, Vic looked over his shoulder to see a man of about forty five standing in the far doorway. Faye, even though she was in her forties, had kept herself in good shape, with dark brown hair, fat tits, plump butt, and nice, if not slender legs, along with a pretty face which made for a very attractive woman indeed! Howard, being a farmer, had one of those dumb farmer tans that looked ridiculous when he was shirtless, he was however heavily muscled with just a slight paunch hanging over a nice sized dick. Over the desk, a bill fold was emptied of all credit cards and two hundred dollars in cash.

Read Gay Outdoor Isekai no Onnatachi 2.0 - Original Village Isekai no Onnatachi 2.0

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Alexis avery
I love the thumbnail